Transform the way you source packaging

We are all-in-one platform that helps you create more sustainable packaging fast and at scale. Get a quote from different partners or work with our experts to create a bespoke solution.

Find, create and deliver more sustainable products, all in one place

Choose products from a global network of vetted suppliers

Get matched with 100+ suppliers around the world.

We’ve searched for the best packaging partners and creatives, so you don’t have to. For projects big and small. We’ll match you to the matching partners for your project and requirements.

Missing the kick? Our design studio can help.

We help e-commerce companies, brands and restaurants to look great with custom or branded packaging. Ask us more about what can be done.

Before Packery, we had several suppliers with different prices and preferences. With Packery, we got a reliable, comprehensive shortlist of best-matching partners and offers for all our packaging needs.